Tejas1510 / Athavani

😻 Athavani/Memories is a full-stack MERN Tool built in order to save all your memories in a single place and rejoice them through the years.
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Edit Profile issue #265

Closed AmeyaJain-25 closed 3 years ago

AmeyaJain-25 commented 3 years ago

When user tries to edit the profile but he/she clicks on the cancel button, then the data should be gone away. That means he/she don't want to update the profile. But again if he/she opens the edit profile, the data written previously is shown which shouldn't.

Screenshot from 2021-05-30 23-34-43 This is the example the data is shown even after cancelling it. My profile name is [Ameya Jain]. I tried to edit it to [Ameya]. But then cancelled. And now the name is showing the previously stored or edited name. Also the profile photo isn't the one which I had selected to edit but then cancelled the process. Please assign me this issue