Teju-Android / TwitterClient

Android Twitter Client App
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Failure Network Request #4

Open teju009 opened 9 years ago

teju009 commented 9 years ago

Hi Nathan @nesquena and @thecodepath ,

I know this is last moment but I have done most parts and then I decided to clean the code and refactor. Good that I created a new branch for this. After refactoring and merging my ORM implementation with fragments, I am getting a network failure error each time I send the network request. I am not able to send ANY network requests. The failure branch is refactor-merge-ORM.

I tracked with several break points and came to know after I am handling my network failure. I logged the url and the parameters, they all seem fine. After catching my error , it is: {"errors":[{"message":"Could not authenticate you","code":32}]} and exception org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Authorization Required

But when I run my app from the previous code, it works perfectly fine, I am able to send network request from my branch add-fragment. So, clearly I do not see the Authentication warning for the add-fragment branch. Any tips or suggestions. Its seriously very very weird!

teju009 commented 9 years ago

I got to know the problem. The problem was my params I was passing.

nesquena commented 9 years ago

Glad you fixed it!