TekWizely / bash-tpl

A smart, lightweight shell script templating engine, written in Bash
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Allow variable with `.tpl` file path as argument to `.INCLUDE` directive #16

Closed benjamindblock closed 3 months ago

benjamindblock commented 1 year ago

First, thanks for the great work on bash-tpl -- I've been using it to great effect when making some new static sites.

I ran across an issue recently -- it appears that .INCLUDE cannot be used with a variable to render another .tpl file dynamically (eg., .INCLUDE $1).

Bash version: GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (arm64-apple-darwin22)

Repro steps:

  1. Create a top-level "layout" file.

    printf '<div class="container">\n  .INCLUDE $1\n</div>\n' > layout.tpl

    Which produces:

    <div class="container">
    .INCLUDE $1
  2. Create a "partial" view file with some content

    echo '<span>Subcontent should be displayed</span>' > partial.tpl

    Which produces:

    <span>Subcontent should be displayed</span>
  3. Call bash-tpl

    bash-tpl layout.tpl partial.tpl

This produces the following:

printf "%s\n" \<div\ class=\"container\"\>
  printf "%s\n" \ \ \</div\>

I expected this output:

printf "%s\n" \<div\ class=\"container\"\>
  printf "%s\n" \ \ Subcontent\ should\ be\ displayed
printf "%s\n" \</div\>

I would expect that the argument $1 could be used in the .INCLUDE directive to dynamically pass in the .tpl file that should be rendered. I also could be missing something straightforward here, in which case any insight would be appreciated.

If this is not currently a feature, having this ability in bash-tpl would be great.

TekWizely commented 1 year ago

Greetings @benjamindblock and thank you for using my project and for taking the time to open this issue !

I've done some tests and I am pleasantly surprised !! it looks like the technique I use to parse directive arguments does honor variable references.

The issue you're seeing in your example is that the $[0-9] variables no-longer reference the original command line args but are instead referencing the arguments passed to the process_directive function that handles the directive.

If you wanna see something cool, try this:


<div class="container">


<span>Subcontent should be displayed</span>

process template

$ INCLUDE_TPL=partial.tpl bash-tpl layout.tpl


printf "%s\n" \<div\ class=\"container\"\>
  printf "%s\n" \ \ \<span\>Subcontent\ should\ be\ displayed\</span\>
printf "%s\n" \</div\>

To officially support abusing this technique within bash_tpl, I think we need to expose the command line arguments in a variable that can be referenced from the directive.

maybe something like $ARGS[x]

Honestly though that feels a bit messy in the case of multiple arguments being available for use.

Maybe adding a command-line flag to create named variables could more useful. Something like:

$ bash-tpl layout.tpl --var INCLUDE_TPL=partial.tpl

Or maybe a .ENV directive that could read a .env file ..

I'll grind on this a bit more, but in the meantime lemme know your thoughts and thanks again for participating in my project!


benjamindblock commented 1 year ago

@TekWizely Aha -- thanks for the details on the process_directive function -- I tried out the .INCLUDE call with the explicit named variable and everything worked as expected. Brilliant.

I really like the idea of a .ENV directive that could load variables from an .env type of file. I'm actually doing a similar hack with eval(...) right now to accomplish just that type of behavior. Brief explanation following...

In my static site generator, each page has a .meta file that can include a tpl= key if multiple pages share a template (like blog posts).

# blog20230415.meta
title="Website | April 15th"
content="Long text..."

I then use eval(...) to load those variables and render the primary site layout and the subcontent for a particular page with those vars present.

content() {
  bash <(bin/bash-tpl tpls/layout.tpl.html)

renderPage() {
  echo "$(eval $(cat "$1") content)"

# Example: renderPage "renderPage "blog20230415.meta" > "blog20230415.html"

Example view files:

<!-- tpls/layout.tpl.html -->
<header><% ${title} %></header>
  .INCLUDE ${tpl}
<!-- tpls/blog_template.tpl.html -->
<div><% ${content} %></div>

If an .ENV directive was included, we could simplify this nicely.

renderPage() {
  echo "$(bash <(bin/bash-tpl tpls/layout.tpl.html blog20230415.meta))"
<!-- tpls/layout.tpl.html -->
  .ENV ${1}
<header><% ${title} %></header>
  .INCLUDE ${tpl}
benjamindblock commented 1 year ago

I've come up with a workaround for rendering subcontent that avoids .INCLUDE and instead just calls source on the subcontent and renders it with the standard <% %> tags. It's been working pretty nicely, though I've still been using .INCLUDE though for partials that require no args (as it has a nicer interface for this sort of thing).

Here's a small example:

renderContent() {
  bash <(bin/bash-tpl tpls/site/layout.tpl.html) "${META_FILE}"


title="Blog Post #1"
content="Some content"


  source "${META_FILE}"

  # Fail if "$tpl" is missing.
  SUBCONTENT="$(source <(bin/bash-tpl ${tpl:?}))"
  <title><% $title %></title>

<div id="subcontent">
  <% ${SUBCONTENT} %>


<div id="blog">
  <% "${content}" %>

This would all get kicked off in a script running: renderContent "blogs/1/index.meta"

TekWizely commented 1 year ago

Hey @benjamindblock it occurs to me that you may be invoking bash-tpl more often than needed.

Bash-tpl is actually a Template Generator ie:

The output of bash-tpl is a shell-script that you can re-use without bash-tpl, with bash-tpl only being needed when the original template changes (ie. the resulting shell script changes).

This fact is a bit obscured because the resulting shell script cannot be executed directly without a little setup + processing:

  1. Scripts intended to be executed (not sourced), need a #! header
  2. Scripts intended to be executed (not sourced), need a +x modifier

Here's an example in action:


% #!/usr/bin/env sh
Hello, world

usage example

$ bash-tpl compile-once.tpl -o use-many-times.sh

$ chmod +x use-many-times.sh

$ ./use-many-times.sh

Hello, world

Here's an example for runtime (sourced) includes:


% #!/usr/bin/env sh
% source ${INCLUDE?}


Hello, world

usage example

$ bash-tpl compile-once-outer.tpl -o use-many-times-outer.sh

$ chmod +x use-many-times-outer.sh

$ bash-tpl compile-once-sourced.tpl -o use-many-times-sourced.sh

$ INCLUDE="./use-many-times-sourced.sh" ./use-many-times-outer.sh

Hello, world


With these ideas in mind, I whipped up a small makefile that might be useful for compiling a directory containing templates into a directory containing re-usable scripts:


.PHONY: all clean


BASH_TPL := bash-tpl

TPL_DIR := ./tpl
SH_DIR  := ./sh

TPL_FILES := $(wildcard $(TPL_DIR)/*.tpl $(TPL_DIR)/**/*.tpl)
SH_FILES  := $(patsubst $(TPL_DIR)/%.tpl,$(SH_DIR)/%.sh,$(TPL_FILES))

all: $(SH_FILES) ## Compile templates into shell scipts

clean: ## Remove any shell scripts that have matching templates
    rm -f $(SH_FILES)

$(SH_DIR)/%.sh: $(TPL_DIR)/%.tpl
    @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
    $(BASH_TPL) $< -o $@
    @chmod +x $@

This makefile is very much a quick hack, but may serve as a useful starter for your project.

I'm interested in seeing what you can do with these ideas in your project.

Please give it some thought and lemme know what you think!


TekWizely commented 1 year ago

hey @benjamindblock just a quick ping to see if you had a chance to read my post above?

benjamindblock commented 1 year ago

Hey @TekWizely -- yes, thanks for all the details! I was, like you suspected, calling bash-tpl many more times than necessary.

With your updates I was able to get the build times for my static site from 11s down to 3s (the site has ~40 HTML pages to build). There may still be a few more optimizations I can make to speed that up a little bit more.

I'll be AFK for a few days but will post some more details about my improvements after that!

TekWizely commented 1 year ago

Hey @benjamindblock just checking back to see how things are going? BTW: I think I may have stumbled onto your site?

benjamindblock commented 1 year ago

Hey @TekWizely, apologies for the late response -- busy summer. Did some work on the site this week and made the repo public (for now), in case you're interested in taking a look at the patterns I setup with Bash-TPL (thanks to your input): https://github.com/benjamindblock/eveningjazz.net

Ultimately I was able to get the full site build down to ~3s for 33 .html pages. Not too bad, I think!

TekWizely commented 3 months ago

@benjamindblock Thanks for the final update post - I'm going to close this now as I think we got a working solution to the initial concern. Thanks!