Open wade-welles opened 4 years ago
Also when looking at other dumps I can find most of the values from your old system but there are a few unique values.
Like what is constexpr size_t index = 0x94;
And SignOnState
And BoneDistance
I was using
Im just trying to get radar hack working thats what I have slimmed it down too. So if any of those values are not relevant for radar, please let me know so I can just remove that code.
If you are not doing this stuff anymore or have no time just close it i wont be offended. For me its honestly to better understand hacking the process memory more than anything :D
I am still doing this just been on a very long hiatus. I'll be resuming work on these projects again soon.
Call Stack (most recent call first): /usr/share/cmake-3.18/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:733 (_pkg_check_modules_internal) CMakeLists.txt:16 (pkg_check_modules)
I can't seem to build it. Do you have any guesses why?
Also can you leave a up to date output file for CPP. Why did you delete your cheat? I have been maintaining it and slimming it down and slowly converting it to go. I want to build the offset finding in the cheat so its just auto fixes itself after updates ideally.