Teknasyon-Teknoloji / deepwall-ios-sdk

Managing apps that offer in-app purchases have never been easier with Deepwall
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How can I use on SwiftUI #3

Open Borzalic opened 3 years ago

Borzalic commented 3 years ago

When I use : DeepWall.shared.requestPaywall(action: "UNLOCKFEATURES", in: self) Then I got error : Cannot convert value of type 'ContentView' to expected argument type 'UIViewController'

Can you explain how can I use on SwiftUI ?

kellvembarbosa commented 2 years ago

Hello, After a few hours lost I was able to implement it and it's working very well.

I'm apologizing for any error, it's only been 2 months since I've been working with swiftui, today I'm more reactjs... I was able to do the integration, I created one: UIViewControllerRepresentable

I also created a class to manage the subscription throughout the app:

import Foundation
import DeepWall

class PurchaseDataSource: ObservableObject {
    @Published var purchased = false

        purchased = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: AppConfig.premiumVersion)

    func showPaywallDeepWall(action: String) {
            if let rootController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController {
                if DeepWall.shared.readyStatus {
                        DeepWall.shared.requestPaywall(action: action, in: rootController)

    func sestUserProperties(){
        let userProperties = DeepWallUserProperties(uuid: self.getUUID(), country: self.getCountryCode(), language: self.getLangCode())

    func unlockPremium(){
        self.purchased = true
        UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: AppConfig.premiumVersion)

    func lockPremium(){
        self.purchased = false
        UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: AppConfig.premiumVersion)

    func getUUID() -> String {
        let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard

        if (userDefaults.string(forKey: "uuid") ?? "").isEmpty == true {
            userDefaults.set(UUID().uuidString,forKey: "uuid")
            return userDefaults.string(forKey: "uuid") ?? ""
        } else {
            return userDefaults.string(forKey: "uuid") ?? ""


    func getLangCode() -> String {
        if let langCode = Locale.current.languageCode {
            return langCode.count > 2 ? "Unknown" : langCode
        } else {
            return "Unknown"

    func getCountryCode() -> String {
        if let regionCode = Locale.current.regionCode {
            return regionCode.count > 2 ? "Unknown" : regionCode
        } else {
            return "Unknown"

In AppDelegate to listen to the events:

import DeepWall

/// App delegate for SwiftUI application
class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate, DeepWallNotifierDelegate  {

    var purchaseDataSource = PurchaseDataSource()

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {

        let environment: DeepWallEnvironment = .sandbox
        DeepWall.initialize(apiKey: AppConfig.DEEPWALL_KEY, environment: environment)

        print("AppDelagate: \(self.getUUID()) - \(self.getCountryCode()) - \(self.getLangCode())")

        let userProperties = DeepWallUserProperties(uuid: self.getUUID(), country: self.getCountryCode(), language: self.getLangCode())
        DeepWall.shared.observeEvents(for: self)

        return true

    // ...

    func deepWallPaywallPurchaseSuccess(_ event: DeepWallValidateReceiptResult) {
        print("DeepWall: deepWallPaywallPurchaseSuccess \(String(describing: event.result?.subscriptions))")

        if let subscriptions = event.result?.subscriptions {


            for subscription in subscriptions {
                print("DeepWall: subscription: \(subscription.isActive) - refunded: \(subscription.isRefunded)")

                /// here I have a cruel doubt, will the user have more than 1 item in this subscription array?
                /// Only in the future will I be able to see if this logic will have a problem

                if(subscription.isRefunded) {

                if(subscription.isActive) {
                } else {


    func deepWallPaywallResponseFailure(_ event: DeepWallPaywallResponseFailedModel) {
        print("DeepWall: deepWallPaywallResponseFailure \(event.reason)")
        //UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.dismiss(animated: true)

    func deepWallPaywallClosed(_ event: DeepWallPaywallClosedInfoModel) {
        print("DeepWall: deepWallPaywallClosed")

    func deepWallPaywallRestoreSuccess() {
        print("DeepWall Delegate: deepWallPaywallRestoreSuccess")

    func deepWallPaywallPurchasingProduct(_ event: DeepWallPaywallPurchasingProduct) {
        print("DeepWall Delegate: deepWallPaywallPurchasingProduct")

on @main

struct HelloWorldApp: App {

on first subview here is custom to app for app and strategy for actions to show paywall:

      purchaseDataSource.showPaywallDeepWall(action: "AppLaunch")

Now always call purchaseDataSource.showPaywallDeepWall(action: "Name_to_action")