Tele-AI / Telechat

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🎉 Announcement: SWIFT Framework's Extended Support for TeleChat Models 🎉 #34

Open hjh0119 opened 3 months ago

hjh0119 commented 3 months ago

Hello AI enthusiasts and practitioners!


We are the Modelscope team, and we have some exciting news to share from the development front of our open-source fine-tuning framework - SWIFT! Our latest release adds robust support for TeleChat-7b and TeleChat-12b.

我们是Modelscope团队,我们有一些来自我们开源微调框架 SWIFT 开发前线的激动人心的消息要与大家分享!我们的最新版本增加了对TeleChat-7b和TeleChat-12b的全面支持。

🌟 What's Included? 🌟

🌟 包含内容 🌟

🚀 Get Started Now! 🚀 Jump right into action by using this example script tailored for setting up and starting training or inference tasks with the TeleChat models.

🚀 立即开始! 🚀 通过使用这个示例脚本 快速行动,它专为设置和启动TeleChat模型的训练或推理任务而定制。