TelegramMessenger / MTProxy

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cannot forward mtproto packet #134

Open shadowlmd opened 6 years ago

shadowlmd commented 6 years ago


I've noticed that Windows Desktop client cannot use MTProxy for some reason. After starting server with --verbosity=1 I could see this in console:

[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:15.901530 local] New connection ->
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:15.901749 local] trying to determine connection type
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:15.901834 local] tcp opportunistic encryption mode detected, tag = efefefef, target=2
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:15.901900 local] ext_rpcs_execute: cannot forward mtproto packet
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:16.459603 local] socket 40: disconnected (epoll_ready=2005), cleaning
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:16.459738 local] Closing connection socket #40
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:16.475962 local] New connection ->
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:16.476196 local] trying to determine connection type
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:16.476281 local] tcp opportunistic encryption mode detected, tag = efefefef, target=2
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:16.476350 local] ext_rpcs_execute: cannot forward mtproto packet
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:18.450293 local] socket 40: disconnected (epoll_ready=2005), cleaning
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:18.450451 local] Closing connection socket #40
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:18.467786 local] New connection ->
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:18.467993 local] trying to determine connection type
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:18.468079 local] tcp opportunistic encryption mode detected, tag = efefefef, target=2
[17429][2018-06-13 21:58:18.468147 local] ext_rpcs_execute: cannot forward mtproto packet

Only happens with Windows client (1.3.7), Linux version connects just fine, and so does Android client.

shadowlmd commented 6 years ago

Same with verbosity=2:

[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.484717 local] New connection ->
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.484793 local] epoll_mod(6,0x00000007,8,8,8000200f)
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.484843 local] net_accept_new_connections: cfd = -1
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.484944 local] fd=8 state=39 ready=1030 epoll_ready=5
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.484982 local] END processing connection 8, flags=33554435
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.485017 local] readv from 8: 105 read out of 262144
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.485056 local] readv from 8: -1 read out of 262144
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.485087 local] socket_server_writer: written 0 bytes to 8, flags=0x02000011
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.485120 local] trying to determine connection type
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.485164 local] tcp opportunistic encryption mode detected, tag = efefefef, target=2
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.485197 local] ext_rpcs_execute: fd=8, op=00000000, len=40
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.485228 local] tcp_rpcs_flush_packet: padding with 0 bytes
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.485260 local] received mtproto packet of 40 bytes
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.485291 local] nowhere to forward user query from connection 8, dropping
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:00.485322 local] ext_rpcs_execute: cannot forward mtproto packet
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:04.246232 local] fd=8 state=39 ready=1031 epoll_ready=8197
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:04.246372 local] socket 8: disconnected (epoll_ready=2005), cleaning
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:04.246433 local] epoll_del(6,0x00000002,8,0,00000000)
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:04.246500 local] Closing connection socket #8
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:04.262808 local] fd=3 state=39 ready=1028 epoll_ready=1
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:04.262895 local] net_accept_new_connections: cfd = 8
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:04.262971 local] <8 send buffer was 2626560, now 16777216
[17894][2018-06-13 22:33:04.263038 local] >8 receive buffer was 1062000, now 16777216
shadowlmd commented 6 years ago

Looks like it's account-specific issue. The same account cannot connect via MTProxy even from Android client. And I can connect from Windows client.

rockenren commented 6 years ago

Looks like it's account-specific issue.

Can't agree, I have the same issue on 2 VPS from one provider.

ext_rpcs_execute: cannot forward mtproto packet

But on another provider (Vultr in my case) MTProxy works and I can connect without problems.

In same time, python realization of MTProxy works on this 2 VPS.

shadowlmd commented 6 years ago

Well, in my case it is definitely user-specific issue because all other users are connecting just fine with any client: Android, Windows, Linux. And this particular user cannot connect with any of the clients, always generating this error.

GreenWood757 commented 6 years ago

A have the same problem.

[15514][2018-06-27 12:35:21.698168 local] New connection 80.83.x.x:30731 -> 188.168.x.x:xxx [15514][2018-06-27 12:35:21.716658 local] trying to determine connection type [15514][2018-06-27 12:35:21.716693 local] tcp opportunistic encryption mode detected, tag = efefefef, target=4 [15514][2018-06-27 12:35:21.716715 local] ext_rpcs_execute: cannot forward mtproto packet [15514][2018-06-27 12:35:23.718152 local] socket 8: disconnected (epoll_ready=2005), cleaning [15514][2018-06-27 12:35:23.718207 local] Closing connection socket #8

shadowlmd commented 6 years ago

Problem no longer reproduces since the latest Telegram update or after the recent downtime. I'm not sure if anything of this is related, but user successfully connects from any client now.

shadowlmd commented 5 years ago

The same issue is now happening again.

zerak commented 5 years ago

I have the issue.

./mtproto-proxy -h

[2358][2019-03-11 05:38:33.503383 local] Invoking engine mtproxy-0.01 compiled at Mar 11 2019 04:12:05 by gcc 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-23) 64-bit after commit 2c942119c4ee340c80922ba11d14fb3b10d5e654

cat proxy-multi.conf

force_probability 10 10

default 2; proxy_for 1; proxy_for -1; proxy_for 2; proxy_for 2; proxy_for -2; proxy_for -2; proxy_for 3; proxy_for -3; proxy_for 4; proxy_for 4; proxy_for 4; proxy_for 4; proxy_for 4; proxy_for 4; proxy_for 4; proxy_for 4; proxy_for 4; proxy_for 4; proxy_for -4; proxy_for -4; proxy_for 5; proxy_for 5; proxy_for -5; proxy_for -5;

the verbosity log image