TelegramMessenger / MTProxy

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mt proto is not compatible with wsl (windows syb systems for linux) #408

Open mr-459 opened 4 years ago

mr-459 commented 4 years ago

hi i have installed ubuntu under wsl to run mtroto ubuntu works well but on mtproto i got errores:

a@****:~/MTProxy/objs/bin$ sudo ./mtproto-proxy -u nobody -p 8888 -H 443 -S $sece --aes-pwd proxy-secret proxy-multi.conf -M 1
[20322][2020-06-01 06:39:59.433354 local] Invoking engine mtproxy-0.01 compiled at Jun  1 2020 06:22:49 by gcc 7.5.0 64-bit after commit dc0c7f3de40530053189c572936ae4fd1567269b
[20322][2020-06-01 06:39:59.435194 local] config_filename = 'proxy-multi.conf'
[20322][2020-06-01 06:39:59.469423 local] creating 1 workers
[20323][2020-06-01 06:39:59.493325 local] Started as [*****]
[20322][2020-06-01 06:39:59.495341 local] Started as [*****]
[20323][2020-06-01 06:39:59.497854 local] configuration file proxy-multi.conf re-read successfully (752 bytes parsed), new configuration active
[20323][2020-06-01 06:39:59.498983 local] main loop
[20322][2020-06-01 06:39:59.500238 local] configuration file proxy-multi.conf re-read successfully (752 bytes parsed), new configuration active
[20322][2020-06-01 06:39:59.501178 local] main loop
mtproto-proxy: net/net-crypto-aes.c:267: aes_create_keys: Assertion `client_ip' failed.
mtproto-proxy: net/net-crypto-aes.c:267: aes_create_keys: Assertion `client_ip' failed.
[pid 20323] [time 1591018799]
------- Stack Backtrace -------
[pid 20322] [time 1591018799]
------- Stack Backtrace -------
[pid 20323] [time 1591018799] -------------------------------
[pid 20322] [time 1591018799] -------------------------------
[pid 20323] [time 1591018799] mtproxy-0.01 compiled at Jun  1 2020 06:22:49 by gcc 7.5.0 64-bit after commit dc0c7f3de40530053189c572936ae4fd1567269b[pid 20322] [time 1591018799] mtproxy-0.01 compiled at Jun  1 2020 06:22:49 by gcc 7.5.0 64-bit after commit dc0c7f3de40530053189c572936ae4fd1567269b[pid 20323] [time 1591018799]
[pid 20322] [time 1591018799]

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