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fix assets names "ThumbsUp" <-> "ThumbsDown" #1374

Closed voronoff2803 closed 1 month ago

voronoff2803 commented 2 months ago

The names of the thumbs up and thumbs down icons were mixed up in places. In the voice recognition UI. This had the effect of making user feedback degrade recognition algorithm 🤯

Снимок экрана 2024-03-24 в 23 27 32
voronoff2803 commented 2 months ago
self.upButtonImageNode = ASImageNode()
self.upButtonImageNode.image = generateTintedImage(image: UIImage(bundleImageName: "Chat/Context Menu/ThumbsUp"), color: presentationData.theme.contextMenu.primaryColor, backgroundColor: nil)
self.upButtonImageNode.isUserInteractionEnabled = false

self.downButtonImageNode = ASImageNode()
self.downButtonImageNode.image = generateTintedImage(image: UIImage(bundleImageName: "Chat/Context Menu/ThumbsDown"), color: presentationData.theme.contextMenu.primaryColor, backgroundColor: nil)
self.downButtonImageNode.isUserInteractionEnabled = false


self.upButtonNode.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.upPressed), forControlEvents: .touchUpInside)
self.downButtonNode.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.downPressed), forControlEvents: .touchUpInside)

The correct names are used in the code. Only the pictures in the assets are incorrect

voronoff2803 commented 2 months ago


CLAassistant commented 1 month ago

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