In Telegram, one can reply to a message into a different chat. On iOS, choosing a secret chat as the reply destination causes Telegram to crash, and additionally corrupts its database in such a way that the app crashes every time upon launch. The only way out is to reinstall the app (losing all secret chats).
Expected Behavior
One of the following:
The app shouldn't allow choosing a secret chat as reply destination /
It should send both the original message and the reply into the secret chat /
It should just send the reply text into the secret chat.
Actual Behavior
The app crashes, and its database is corrupted in such a way that it crashes at start, unable to fix that without reinstalling the app. This way, any secret chats are unrecoverable, due to the database being omitted in backups.
The other party gets a message with the original message's text and doesn't get the reply text.
Steps to Reproduce
Start a secret chat
In any non-secret chat, have any message that you can reply to
Invoke the reply to this message
Tap the "Reply to" bar for reply options, choose "Reply in Another Chat"
Choose the secret chat as the destination for reply
⚠️ You are likely to lose all your secret chats on iOS after next step ⚠️
In Telegram, one can reply to a message into a different chat. On iOS, choosing a secret chat as the reply destination causes Telegram to crash, and additionally corrupts its database in such a way that the app crashes every time upon launch. The only way out is to reinstall the app (losing all secret chats).
Expected Behavior
One of the following:
Actual Behavior
The app crashes, and its database is corrupted in such a way that it crashes at start, unable to fix that without reinstalling the app. This way, any secret chats are unrecoverable, due to the database being omitted in backups.
The other party gets a message with the original message's text and doesn't get the reply text.
Steps to Reproduce
iPhone SE 2022
iOS version:
18.0 beta 4
App version:
10.14.2 (29212)