TelegramMessenger / Telegram-iOS

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Telegram for iOS does not update iOS Badge count when second telegram account is removed from app #958

Open anontelegram opened 1 year ago

anontelegram commented 1 year ago



I have notifications enabled, but set to badges and sounds only, the sound plays for new notifications, however the badge counter does not update. Banners work and Notification Center works. No badge functionality This appears to be an issue related to adding and removing a second telegram account sometimes resetting notification settings fixes it temporarily but then it regresses. no combination of settings fixes this. Have attempted to disable and re enable notifications in app level and system level with no effect. Followed all troubleshooting steps listed on telegram website for missing notifications

Expected Behavior

badge counter should show number unread messages or chats.

Actual Behavior

badge counter does not update. Doesn't show any notifications.

Workaround solution

re add a second telegram account

Steps to Reproduce

  1. iOS Badge counter updates correctly when first installed Telegram with fresh account.
  2. Adding a second Telegram account, iOS badge counter continues to function correctly.
  3. Removing second telegram account breaks badge counting. badge counting only updated intermittently, or only updated while app is still 'open' (not closed from dock switcher) and only temporarily.
  4. Readding a second telegram account fixes badge counter again.

Other troubleshooting steps attempted: Lets call primary account account A1. secondary account is B2 so iphoneA1 means iphone logged into A1. iphone A1/B2 means logged into both. notation for messaging: iphoneA1 <-> ipadB2 signifies both directions, iphoneA1 <- ipadB2 signifies ipadB2 to iphone A1 direction tested beginning state: iphone had previously had a second account on it. ipadOS was a fresh install of telegram, virgin territory this behavior persists regardless of secret chat or regular chat.

First tried this, hopefully this notation wont be confusing

  1. debug mode -> reindex unread counters, reset holes, reset cache index, reindex cache, and optimize database. This did NOT fix badge counting
  2. tested iphone with A1 logged in, ipad with B2 logged in. attempted regular chat and secret chat. iphoneA1 -> ipad B2, badge correctly updates. iphone A1 <- ipadB2, badge count does NOT update correctly
  3. tested iphone with A1 logged in, ipad with B2 and A1 logged in. iphoneA1 -> ipadA1/B2 correct behavior on ipad, iphoneA1 <- ipad A1/B2 incorrect behavior for badges
  4. tested iphone with A1 and B2 logged in, ipad with B2 and A1 logged in. correct behavior on BOTH devices regardless of which direction the chat was going. (ipad A1 <-> iphone B2 OR ipad B2 <-> iphone A1)
  5. logged out of second account on iphone so iphone was A1 only - this broke badges again iphone A1 <-ipad A1/B2. iphoneA1 -> ipadA1/B2 worked
  6. logged back into B2 on iphone (iphone A1/B2) and logged out of B2 on ipad (ipad A1). tested iphoneB2 to ipadA1- badges broken on ipad now. iphoneA1/B2 -> ipad B2 is broken. iphone A1/B2 <- ipadB2 works
  7. flipped it so ipad is B2, iphone A1/B2 - ipad badges still broken.
  8. logged back into both. iphone A1/B2 and ipad A1/B2 - badges function normally iphoneA1B2 <-> ipad A1B2 works normal regardless of which account sent to the other device.
  9. re tested all the above with the app closed, or in background state. in background state occasionally would work, but usually not. never worked when app was closed.

I belive that this behavior is related to the second account. once a second account is added to the telegram app, there MUST be a second account added in order for badge count to function nominally.

Screenshots and Videos

Current settings in iOS IMG_0616 IMG_0615


Device: iPhone 12 pro max ipad air 2

iOS version: iphone 16.2 ipad 15.7.2

App version: `9.3.2'

anontelegram commented 1 year ago

persists in 9.4.1, ios 16.3

anontelegram commented 1 year ago

Issue persists in latest build and iOS