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Cannot use 'view in chat' feature for media in secret chats #959

Open anontelegram opened 1 year ago

anontelegram commented 1 year ago



opening contact specific chat page for a secret chat, the page with media/voice/links/gifs and clicking a media and choosing 'view in chat' brings you to the non-secret main chat and does not locate the item within the secret chat. this behavior is a regression and used to function normally.

Expected Behavior

should bring you to the location of the 'view in chat' item within the secret chat.

Actual Behavior

brings you to the non-secret chat page which is just a collection of phone logs and not the correct chat window.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. open secret chat. go to the contact page with media/voice/links/gifs and choose 'view in chat' for any specific item.
  2. brings you to incorrect chat window
  3. unable to view any item within the secret chat

i repeated these steps using a fresh install on ipad and was able to reproduce


Device: iPhone 12 pro max ipad air 2

iOS version: iphone 16.2 ipad 15.7.2

App version: 9.3.2

anontelegram commented 1 year ago

persists in 9.4.1, ios 16.3

anontelegram commented 1 year ago

Issue persists in latest build and iOS