Dear Telegram team, Telegram audio/video calls in Uzbekistan work very poorly. If you call from an Uzbek IP somewhere (for example) to Russia, then Telegram will endlessly write about the connection, but if it is the other way around, then there will be no debt connection and the call will start in a matter of seconds. And it not only with calls to Russia. Video calls lag terribly. Such problems with calls are observed in different cellular users and Internet service providers.
We really hope that you will improve the work of the messenger in Uzbekistan and wish you further success and global growth!
Dear Telegram team, Telegram audio/video calls in Uzbekistan work very poorly. If you call from an Uzbek IP somewhere (for example) to Russia, then Telegram will endlessly write about the connection, but if it is the other way around, then there will be no debt connection and the call will start in a matter of seconds. And it not only with calls to Russia. Video calls lag terribly. Such problems with calls are observed in different cellular users and Internet service providers.
We really hope that you will improve the work of the messenger in Uzbekistan and wish you further success and global growth!