TelemetryDeck / Issues

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Feature Proposal: Milestones #338

Open winsmith opened 7 months ago

winsmith commented 7 months ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **cameronmcefee** January 18, 2024 I recently imported ~5 years of Google Analytics data into another service I'd been using for about a 18 months. I was shocked to see some insane spikes, dropoffs, and other notable features in the newly re-interpreted data that sent me down a rabbit hole of searching through commits, emails, and tweets to try to reconstruct what had happened all those years ago. Now a month or two later, I still see those spikes, but I can't remember what they were for >.< It might be nice to be able to define important timestamps in a project that could be overlayed onto charts in the time-oriented graphs. Imagine something like this: ![Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 8 18 00 AM]( I imagine they could be designed in such a way that they're subtle enough to be ignored, but give you a hover target for more context about what happened on that day. I could see these being manually edited, or even connected to a repo to display releases/tags