I believe what I'm wishing for is a "moving average": to see e.g. the 7 day average for each day via TQL.
What I want to visualize is a trend. Did a change on the website produce a positive change to a funnel? Did things get worse?
At the moment, this can only be answered by looking at a weekly funnel statistic, screenshot/note the numbers, then change the date range and compare. That's rather cumbersome.
it could be easier if I could select a week range and then go back/forward in 7d increments (instead of using the calendar picker). (Maybe this is easiest to implement)
Overlaying "this week" and "previous week" would work as well. Maybe 2--5 overlays for a date range?
Moving average would also work, but possibly require the most amount of work.
There's probably more ways to show and truly see trends in TD I haven't thought of. Just want to show that it's not just moving average that would help.
I believe what I'm wishing for is a "moving average": to see e.g. the 7 day average for each day via TQL.
What I want to visualize is a trend. Did a change on the website produce a positive change to a funnel? Did things get worse?
At the moment, this can only be answered by looking at a weekly funnel statistic, screenshot/note the numbers, then change the date range and compare. That's rather cumbersome.
There's probably more ways to show and truly see trends in TD I haven't thought of. Just want to show that it's not just moving average that would help.