TelemetryDeck / SwiftSDK

Swift SDK for TelemetryDeck, a privacy-conscious analytics service for apps and websites.
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Crash Reporting: Collect Crashes and Metrics #27

Open mackoj opened 3 years ago

mackoj commented 3 years ago

Add support for metric kit as signals.

winsmith commented 3 years ago

Awesome idea! Added it to the roadmap and will investigate further.

Sherlouk commented 2 years ago

This is an amazing idea! I wonder how this would work from a data perspective though?

Currently we send signals which essentially increments a counter by 1 for each time that signal is received. We can add text properties though, but unsure how we can query those effectively.

There are quite a few different data types with MetricKit.

An easy one to start with might be the cumulative app exit counts. There are about 20 of these (describing the different ways the app can be exited) each with a count between 0 and .

We could create a payload which looks a bit like:

 { type: 'cumulativeAppWatchdogExitCount' },
 { type: 'cumulativeAppWatchdogExitCount' },
 { type: 'cumulativeAppWatchdogExitCount' },
 { type: 'cumulativeMemoryResourceLimitExitCount' },

Essentially creating a massive payload where we duplicate certain types based on the integer provided by Apple. So in the example above, we had 3 exits due to watchdog and 1 due to memory limit.

This feels like with larger numbers though it would dramatically increase the payload size. Perhaps we need a new value count: Int which is optional and defaults to 1. If this is set, then it increases the count by X where X is the number provided?

This perhaps gets more complicated when you look at different data types though such as kB, ms/sec, etc.

  "networkTransferMetrics" : {
    "cumulativeCellularDownload" : "80,000 kB",
    "cumulativeWifiDownload" : "60,000 kB",
    "cumulativeCellularUpload" : "70,000 kB",
    "cumulativeWifiUpload" : "50,000 kB"

I've attached a sample JSON in case folks want to take a look. I'd love to hear from @winsmith on how we could approach this though as it would be an amazing capability to have such information about stability and performance that Apple doesn't currently surface to us.

winsmith commented 2 years ago

Thanks! I think what precedes this is a move to a different signal format that supports not only individual dimensions (i.e. the payload which is string: string) but also metrics, (i.e. a value that maps from string to Int or Double or something). This is on our roadmap but there's so much else to do it'll be a little while before I can hash this out.

Sherlouk commented 2 years ago

Agreed, I think a move to support metrics with numeric values would be a huge value add. The Telemetry Viewer app could then have a field for "unit" from a dropdown which would then allow for some automatic formatting.

So if the client always sends values in milliseconds, the viewer could then format it as seconds/minutes/etc based on how big the number is.

If there's anything I can do to support that piece of work Daniel then please let me know.

Sherlouk commented 1 year ago

Curious @winsmith if there's been any progression on this? 👀 I know it was recently brought up on Twitter, and I totally forgot that this thread existed.

MetricKit provides a lot of valuable data, and is already aggregated by the platform in a privacy friendly way. Would be nice to take full advantage of that.

winsmith commented 1 year ago

How would that support look like? Should the SDK get these metrics automatically? Then you might run into compatibility problems depending on which platform you include the SDK. Or is it more to do with the fact that the API needs support for numerical data? Because that's coming :)

mackoj commented 1 year ago

Having it automated would be best, with an option to manually add custom metrickit data.

Sherlouk commented 1 year ago

I suppose there are a few options.

One would be for the backend to just support the MetricKit JSON payload verbatim... this would likely be easiest, but from a technical perspective is likely far from where you want to be.

The other option is to create an optional target (or use compiler flags to include only on iOS) a MetricKit manager. The client app would then just need to add this to their app using something like MXMetricManager.shared.add(TelemetryDeckMetricKitExporter()). This is doable as soon as TD supports all the same data types as MetricKit exports - which includes numeric data via histograms etc.

winsmith commented 1 year ago

Hmm okay that makes sense. I'm wondering if it's possible to make this as cross-platform as possible, so that e.g. Android users could also get similar data.

Sherlouk commented 1 year ago

MetricKit itself is an iOS specific technology and format. That doesn't mean that most of the data couldn't be ascertained on Android (it can) but it defeats the point of this being a quick win for privacy-friendly metrics without a complex client side integration on iOS apps.

winsmith commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for your input! I'm bumping this up on the roadmap.

Sherlouk commented 1 year ago

@winsmith let me know if you'd like to dive deeper into the solution or goals! happy to help how I can.

winsmith commented 4 months ago

FYI for everyone still attached to this ticket: this is moving forward now