Telenav / osrm-backend

Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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ETA service based on user's gps prob and OSRM #355

Open CodeBear801 opened 4 years ago

CodeBear801 commented 4 years ago



Update on 06232020

Important topics

Data cleaning and visualization

Understanding input is the most important thing, I would say 80% percent of work is in data cleaning and new feature generating based on existing data.

Event driven

Using streaming architecture and proved toolset like Apache Beam/Apache Flink is the key to approach low latency. Before we abstract reasonable events, we could use batch data and pub/sub orApache Kafka to simulate streaming data. And calculation engine line Apache Beam or Apache Flink could help generate unique logic for both batch calculation and streaming calculation.

ETA modle

ETA calculation as blackbox, we want the system could answer the following questions:

Our CEO discussed with CodeBear about founding a firm as ETA supplier for our current company.

CEO: CodeBear, this ETA feature is a fantastic feature. Its like we copy the power of Time Gem from Doctor Stange, we are able to ansower all question related with time and help people to make accurate plans, tens of thousands of our users will benefit from it. This is an opportunity worth millions of dollars. CodeBear: Yeah, sounds great. What do you want me to do? CEO: You will have gps probs from our customers, what I expect is three things: one, I always drive car from home to office at morning time, you could tell me weather there is a delay compare to usual situation. Two, if there is a delay, for how long. Three, as a generic user, you could tell travel time for given (orig location, destination location, timestamp, …).
CodeBear: Copy that. We could building event driven systems based on user's prob data and rely on machine learning to calculate ETA CEO: Any technical challenge? What's the minimum visible product?
CodeBear: I could generate a fake API for the start. Then I will try to map matching user's gps log into map edges, it will have complicate situation since then, you know that because this gps log might have kinds of issues and not compatible with our map source, map matching's result might have big difference with actual route… besides, we could use OSRM to calculate route, but his cost model might need to be adjusted…O, we have live traffic from venders, they are the key element for accurate ETA, but integrate it into pipeline need take a while… Our architect Peter always mentions the influence of Weather, that one shouldn't be forget… CEO: That sounds a long time…Can you have something smaller, maybe not accurate at first… What if you know nothing about navigation, what will you do? CodeBear: Let me think… May be I will start something simple. For the initial version, just consider less attributes such as start location and end location from users' input data, and do estimation based on that, but I need to have a evaluation strategy, to tell me how bad my estimation result is. Then for the upper topics, I could treat them as new features, with the help of evaluation strategy, during development I could see the feedback and you could see improvements each round… CEO: Sounds ok….. (Fiction DIALOGUE :) )

Evaluation strategy

There are tons of machine learning models, and each of them need twist based on input and problem scope, but no matter which one to use, we have root truth of user's real driving duration to evaluate estimation result.


We could generate rmse for each round to represent estimation result. Other value like margin or absolute value could also helps. image

And, we should build a way to rank the importance of features, such as

feature name importance rmse_wo_feature
osrm_distance 777 0.387
pickup_region 774 0.386
avg_speed 773 0.385

Cluster data

My friend and master Shibo lives at Albuquerque in NM for years. During my travel there, I mentioned I want to take a quick visit before next arrangement at Mister Car Wash, which is a scene from Breaking Bad, but I don't know whether time is appropriate. He take a look at his watch, "well, its 11:15am at Wednesday morning, from here, near city center, to eastern area probably takes 15 minutes for one way." This ETA is exactly the same as my road test… See, local people could tell accurate ETA just based on start region(no need exactly location, destination region, time and experience he could give you reasonable suggestion.

I think either using spatial index(Google S2, Uber H3) or use Kmeans, could help the learning system improve prediction. But whether this helps or which one is better, should be tell by value from Evaluation System

Route feature from GPS trace

gps trace-> map matching -> list of connected edges -> generate osrm route response -> route based features(legs, distance, turns, etc)

The result could joined with other data based on a unique ID. Again, which feature is needed should be told by data not experience.

Before we have the complex version, we could skip map matching and directly calculate route for given start/end point.

Machine Learning Model

I am not an expert of this part, and I believe understanding raw data and feature engineering is the key to the accuracy. For the first step, I just want the system have a feedback and later we could upgrade this component. Will give a try with XGBoost model with PCA. We also have colleague have experience with Learning to Estimate the Travel Time, could put which into next step.


Kernel to estimate duration based on public prob data

The more data content a machine learning system has, the better result it could generated. We believe it is not the algorithm itself to win business in the future, but the uniqueness of data.


Streaming system

Let's say we have about 1GB's user prob data as csv. We load which into distribute file system and then export them to pub/sub system with unique record id be generated. For each record, will go though several micro services to generate new features


For the first step, we could put all data into pub/sub system and simulate a stream of fresh data.


Experiment with cloud provider

We will choose one cloud provider for all the work.
Currently, our company have more experience with aws, personally I tried gcp services like datapipeline/dataflow/datastudio/pub/sub/bigquery. If we go with docker/kubernetes way, then we have less dependency for cloud provider but probably there will be more work for env setup and debug and internal information visualization. For experiment, will choose most easiest way to go, will consult others and probably go with docker/kubernetes for next.

Experiment internal user prob data

Important criteria

More info

CodeBear801 commented 4 years ago

Collection of discussions

What is the role of spark for SparkML (Jay)


Different machine learning model might need completely different pipeline(Jonathan Locke, Haifeng)

Summary: It's highly possible so, to be accurate, I think it should be: different machine learning model might need different feature sets. I think the structure of Trip Enhancer should be stable, but operations inside could be configurable.

For example, to experiment machine learning model 1,


To experiment machine learning model 2,


May be we could estimate travel time except the highway(Jonathan Locke)

Summary: Each route contains: start- > enter hwy -> hwy -> exit hwy -> destination, for the highway part, based on third party's data could achieve a accurate result. It makes more sense to use machine learning to train duration for start- > enter hwy and exit -> destination

Besides ETA, we could analysis more information from user's trace


Main tasks for trip enhancer (When discussed with Changzheng)

Trip Enhancer(Feature engineering)