TelenavMapping / External_Data

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[US][San Jose/San Francisco/Oakland] Santa Clara County street centerlines dataset #53

Open mihaii-telenav opened 6 years ago

mihaii-telenav commented 6 years ago

We are considering using this dataset for our future edits in San Jose/San Francisco/Oakland metro area:

License type - unknown

Sent email to data owner and LWG to check license compatibility.

mihaii-telenav commented 6 years ago

Received response from the data owner:

Hello Mihai, You can see the County’s GIS data disclaimer is on the page you mentioned below, at:

We also publicize the County’s terms of use here: (which is in the footer of the same page as referenced above)

I hope this helps you in your needs.

Sincerely, Doug Schenk

Still have to clarify with @martijnv-telenav if it's ok to use this data source.

3vivekb commented 6 years ago

While their is a lot of weirdness with Santa Clara County assessor in terms of what is protected and what is not, any government data in California is open to all uses:

3vivekb commented 6 years ago

Here is a good list of resources for this area btw!

mihaii-telenav commented 6 years ago

@3vivekb thanks a lot for your input!