TelepathicGrunt / Bumblezone

A bee dimension just for fun!
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
179 stars 35 forks source link

The game crashed whilst exception ticking world 1.20.1 -the_bumblezone-7.1.14+1.20.1-forge #326

Closed OBS3SS1ON closed 6 months ago

OBS3SS1ON commented 6 months ago

I got an error when I opened one chest and looked at a dispenser. playing survival.

The game crashed whilst exception ticking world Error: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Update to non-static final field attempted from a different method (handler$bff000$modifyForcePushOrigin) than the initializer method

at$bff000$modifyForcePushOrigin( ~[client-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23624!/:?]

latest.log debug.log

TelepathicGrunt commented 6 months ago

I looked closer at your stacktrace. modifyForcePushOrigin is not a mixin from my mod. It is a mixin from Botania. You will need to contact Botania devs so they can look into why their mixin is crashing

TelepathicGrunt commented 6 months ago

Looks like Botania already fixed this here:

OBS3SS1ON commented 6 months ago

Oh!! Thank you very much as I read your mod name in the log.txt thinking it was from your mod, Thank you very much I will see if it is resolved