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Cancelation Mechanics #35

Closed r-woosley closed 3 months ago

r-woosley commented 4 months ago

What's missing from the TRIP Guides

A guide is needed to explain cancelations -How they are calculated -What excessive cancelations can lead to -Fees assessed

Having a fair, but robust cancelation policy is needed in order to operate a reliable service with on time pick ups.

Gist of expected content


Steps Taken

Fees (On Demand/Scheduled)

Gist of current content

No content present on this at the moment.

hwhelchel commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your contribution Ryan 👍

In your experience, do cancelations typically behave differently or the same for drivers and riders? Is a cancelation percentage calculated for both drivers and riders? What is it used for? What do you mean by "Proactive actions"?

Ryan, when it comes to creating a guide here we want to follow the principle of "show don't tell". Meaning the guide content should always reflect the current state of the system instead of an ideal future state.

@abhilash710 what is our v1 cancelation mechanic for drivers and riders? My hunch is that Abhi will come back and share a simplified version of cancelation where some of these issues you raise are not yet addressed. That's totally ok.

In that scenario, we'd just want to document and map out how the current behavior works. That said, we can and should absolutely still discuss the points you raise here, especially if you feel strongly that some of them should be considered sooner rather than later and you can explain your reasoning as to why. Doesn't mean I or others will agree but we can at minimum have a constructive dialogue that 100% benefits the protocol and community.

abhilash710 commented 4 months ago

Hey Ryan, the v1 of the cancellation logic is as follows:

We know that this favors the rider to start and will design the next version based on feedback from drivers.

Before drivers accept a ride, they will be able to see the full start and end destination of the ride. As well as how much they will earn for that ride. Driver have the ability to decline a ride without any consequences.

r-woosley commented 4 months ago


In your experience, do cancelations typically behave differently or the same for drivers and riders?

  • On-demand rides: favor the driver as they have already accepted the request and are enroute to the pickup. The customer is given a time limit in which they have to cancel without being charged. Once that limit is reached the driver receives the full cancelation fee.
  • Scheduled Rides:
  • Rider: Depending on when they cancel they pay a fee
  • Driver: Have seen it where they have to pay a fee depending on when they cancel or lose access to schedules rides.

Is a cancelation percentage calculated for both drivers and riders? What is it used for?

  • I have only seen cancelation rates shown for drivers on the user side. When this number exceeds a certain percent it can lead to deactivation.
  • I have seen rider cancelations tracked when looking at a drivers cancelations holistically. In some cases drivers will have the riders initiate cancelations so that it does not increase their own cancelation percentage.

What do you mean by "Proactive actions"?

-Proactive actions could be automated emails that are sent to the driver when their cancelation increases. This could highlight their cancelation rate and where they stand versus their market cancelation rate. Within the email add informational material tips from actual drivers on how to reduce the rate.

r-woosley commented 4 months ago


Before drivers accept a ride, they will be able to see the full start and end destination of the ride. As well as how much they will earn for that ride. Driver have the ability to decline a ride without any consequences.

-Can you give any insight on what will happen if the ride goes longer/further or shorter than predicted? Will the fare be adjusted to the actual time and distance?

@hwhelchel One thing I failed to mention above is, it's imperative that the rider does not get charged a cancelation fee if the driver does not make forward progress to the pickup location. (Some drivers may be on another trip when they accepted or do not have the intention of completing the ride)

Here is an actual cancelation report by driver from a rideshare company. As you can see if cancelations aren't monitored closely they can get out of hand. Drivers canceling hundreds more then they actually completed and then riders can not get a ride when they request. Deactivation Report

abhilash710 commented 4 months ago

Can you give any insight on what will happen if the ride goes longer/further or shorter than predicted? Will the fare be adjusted to the actual time and distance?

At launch, the fare won't be adjusted based on the actual time and distance. We are calculating the fare based on route data (distance, time) we get from 3rd party APIs. We are going to be measuring the difference between the estimated (v) actual route and will adjust our fare calculation in the future.

r-woosley commented 4 months ago

It is important to highlight the what app actions are taken when a ride is canceled in the middle of a trip. It is common for a rider to cancel in the middle of a ride. Is the driver notified of the action taken by the rider even when in another map app? What steps should be taken?

hwhelchel commented 4 months ago

If a rider or driver cancels before pickup: the rider is refunded. If a rider or driver cancels after pickup: the payout goes to the driver.

Pickup is defined as when the driver swipes for the first time indicating that the rider is in their vehicle.

@r-woosley do you feel like you have a clear understanding of the v1 cancellation mechanics so that you can contribute to the Guides site? There might still be some details you feel you don't know. That's ok. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. We can always come back around and flesh out this section more in time. Again the aim of the Guides site is describe how TRIP works currently versus how we believe it should or will work in a more ideal state in the future.

abhilash710 commented 4 months ago

@r-woosley -- Today, riders/drivers cannot cancel a trip after it has begun. A trip "begins" when the passenger has been picked up. Driver need to complete the trip (or swipe "complete" on the app) to end it.

This is just the initial version we are launching with. We have improvements spec'd out but wanted to hear from real users before shipping the next version.

hwhelchel commented 4 months ago

@r-woosley great discussion here. Would you be open to synthesizing the learnings here in a contribution to TRIP Guides?

I could see there being a section in Rider Basics and Driver Basics on cancelation mechanics for each of them.

r-woosley commented 4 months ago

Rider Cancellations
Driver en route to a pickup- Riders can cancel the ride at any time before the ride starts. The rider will not incur charges for the trip. After Pickup- The rider can no longer cancel the trip once the driver has started the ride. The rider will be responsible for paying the full fare.

Driver Cancelations Driver en route to pickup- While en route to the rider, the rider can cancel the ride for a full refund. After Pickup- The option to cancel the trip is no longer available. To end the ride, the driver will complete the ride in-app and will receive the total fare.

hwhelchel commented 4 months ago

@r-woosley awesome please feel free to create a change request with your proposed change in Gitbook and then request a review there and we'll get this shipped 👍

r-woosley commented 4 months ago

Change request submitted!

r-woosley commented 4 months ago

@abhilash710 I have one last question regarding cancelations. If a driver accepts a request and then cancels the request will the customer have to submit a new ride request or will the system auto-submit a new ride request?

hwhelchel commented 4 months ago

@r-woosley at this time, drivers cannot cancel rides once accepted.