Every Operator will need a basic website created to comply with regulators at the TNC License application stage and once operations are live. I am suggesting a guide on the basics of what your website should include and in the future maybe have @matt-brigante create a template in Webflow.
@Zippiwelch let's definitely add this. Should it be part of the Operator page or a separate sub page under it? I'll defer to you. Please feel free to move forward to a change request in Gitbook.
What's missing from the TRIP Guides
We should add to the Operator page.Gist of expected content
Every Operator will need a basic website created to comply with regulators at the TNC License application stage and once operations are live. I am suggesting a guide on the basics of what your website should include and in the future maybe have @matt-brigante create a template in Webflow.
Gist of current content
There is none