Closed figdev1 closed 8 years ago
Fixed: I needed to "Link" the firebase app to the Google Play store app to access GooglePlay services such as Firebase Invites & Dynamic Links The SHA key used in the google play store must be added to the firebase app.
Invites sent successfully first attempt
Generated SHA for debug certificate using Keytool command Command: keytool -exportcert -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore
Added SHA + SHA256 to firebase app
Downloaded Google files: google-services.json + GoogleService-Info
Install Plugins:
Plugin Settings: Appdomain: [AppID] (Acquired from Firebase DynamicLinks Screen) ReversedClientID: [sourced from GoogleService-info]
Helper function from Google Plus plugin prompts with correct SHA key added to Firebase app: helperFunction: window.plugins.googleplus.getSigningCertificateFingerprint
Prompted with google contacts and select valid contact
errors with error code 3.
Notes: Firebase has "Authentication" enabled for providers: email , google.