Telerik-Verified-Plugins / ImagePicker

Cordova Plugin For Multiple Image Selection
MIT License
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Added videos in result of getPhotos #237

Open idroxid opened 3 years ago

idroxid commented 3 years ago


I'm currently developing an app and I'm using your library in order to pick multiple images. Actually, I need to pick media which can be a mix of images and videos.

So, what I did is to add video property in the GMFetchItem class. @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString * video;

When the user selects a video within the MediaPicker, I export the video to the tmp zone with no transformation AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough

Then in the result of the plugin, If the asset is a video, I put the path of the video file instead of the full_image.

Please do not hesitate to give me some feedback. I'll be happy to improve.
