Telerik-Verified-Plugins / ImagePicker

Cordova Plugin For Multiple Image Selection
MIT License
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Cordova Android 11 :style/Theme.App.SplashScreen not found #260

Closed clarklight closed 1 year ago

clarklight commented 1 year ago

Cordova Android 11.1.0 Cordova 11

I tested with a brand new app with nothing in it, built it and the app built fine, soon as i added the plugin it called this error, and can not be built, i tried the removing the themes.xml line from the plugin.xml but no luck, why is it calling this error when the plugin is installed?

I tried removing the line mentioned "" but console is still showing Cannot read property 'find' of null when i run cordova prepare

and when i run cordova compile the build fails. Android resource linking failed C:\Users\name\localhost\Work_Master\test_splashscreen2\platforms\android\app\build\intermediates\packaged_manifests\debug\AndroidManifest.xml:30: error: resource style/Theme.App.SplashScreen

Thanks Clark

Lyfei commented 1 year ago

Has it been solved?

clarklight commented 1 year ago

@Lyfei I used the in the end.

Because even if i changed it, it complained about the plugin.xml or something else i think, and that part due to the Cordova android changes, it is just easiest to use that advanced imagepicker, that worked flawlessly.