Telerik-Verified-Plugins / Mapbox

Native OpenGL maps for your Cordova app
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Mapa cortado cuando cambio la orientación del celular. #92

Open mauricioLopezRamirez opened 6 years ago

mauricioLopezRamirez commented 6 years ago

screenshot_20180613-155841 screenshot_20180613-155836

risinghero commented 6 years ago

Hi @mauricioLopezRamirez. Unfortunately I understand Spanish only with Google translate. But I hope that you understand English. Add orientation cordova plugin. Subscribe to orientation change event and recreate map. Like this (I haven't tested): screen.orientation.addEventListener('change', function(){ Mapbox.hide();; });

mauricioLopezRamirez commented 6 years ago

@risinghero gracias por tu respuesta, lo e hecho sin plugin, solo utilice javascript lo cual detecta el cambio de orientación pero no ha funcionado el siguiente código. Que otra opción propones:

  window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function() {


risinghero commented 6 years ago

@mauricioLopezRamirez please check with debugger that event "orientationchange" works. There can be some problems with it.

mauricioLopezRamirez commented 6 years ago

@risinghero si funciona, e puesto un alert para que me verifique que si se cambio de orientación y si cambia.

risinghero commented 6 years ago

@mauricioLopezRamirez to further help you I need simple example reproducing this issue. Can you create one? Just Map+subscription to event so i can test it on my pc.

mauricioLopezRamirez commented 6 years ago

ok @risinghero este es mi codigo del index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>

  <body onload="onLoad()">

  function onLoad() {

     document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);


 function onDeviceReady() {

  var zoom = 12;

  function setTilt() {
      pitch: 45,
      duration: 4500

 window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function() {



  function showMap() {{
              style: 'emerald',
              margins: {
                'left': 0,
                'right': 0,
                'top': 0,
                'bottom': 0
              center: {

                lat: 3.4210196,
                lng: -76.5201787
              zoomLevel: zoom, // 0 (the entire world) to 20, default 10
              showUserLocation: true, // default false
              hideAttribution: true, // default false
              hideLogo: true, // default false
              hideCompass: false, // default false
              disableRotation: false, // default false
              disableScroll: false, // default false
              disableTilt: false, // default false
              disableZoom: false, // default false
              disablePitch: false, // default false
              markers: [
                  'lat': 3.4356455,
                  'lng': -76.5281464,
                  'title': 'CALLE 13 CON CARRERA 23',
                  'subtitle': 'Sentido: SUR-NORTE\nZona: CENTRO'
            function (result) {
              // let's add a callback for these markers - invoked when the callout is tapped (Android) or the (i) icon in the marker callout (iOS)
              Mapbox.addMarkerCallback(function (selectedMarker) {
               // alert("Marker selected: " + JSON.stringify(selectedMarker));
              // let's add callbacks for region changing
              // - invoked when the map is about to moved (animated or not).
              Mapbox.onRegionWillChange(function(centerCoordinates) {
                console.log("Map will move from: ", centerCoordinates);
              // - invoked at each tick (so 60 per second) when the map moves. So don't do any heavy computing here.
                console.log("New map center is: ", centerCoordinates);
              // - invoked after the map has moved (animated or not).
              Mapbox.onRegionDidChange(function(centerCoordinates) {
                console.log("Map as finished to move to : ", centerCoordinates);
            function (error) {

