Telerik-Verified-Plugins / NativePageTransitions

Native transitions like Slide and Flip for iOS, Android and Windows Phone
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On stateGo display transit animation on same page then move to actual state. #146

Open Sachin678 opened 8 years ago

Sachin678 commented 8 years ago

On stateGo it is loading same page with the animation and then after some delay load the passed state. I am using triggerTransitionEvent: '$ionicView.afterEnter' but it is not working properly.

stateGo Code:

$scope.goBack = function(state) { $ionicNativeTransitions.stateGo(state, {}, { "type": "slide", "direction": "right" }); };

Default options: $ionicNativeTransitionsProvider.setDefaultOptions({ duration: 300, androiddelay: -1, fixedPixelsTop: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed header, default 0 (iOS and Android) fixedPixelsBottom: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed footer (f.i. a tab bar), default 0 (iOS and Android) triggerTransitionEvent: '$ionicView.afterEnter', // internal ionic-native-transitions option backInOppositeDirection: true // Takes over default back transition and state back transition to use the opposite direction transition to go back });

szabee994 commented 8 years ago

I have the same problem...

orochies commented 8 years ago

I have a similar problem, the transition when I go back.

Android 5.0

nomoreboredom commented 8 years ago

Same as above

EddyVerbruggen commented 8 years ago

"Ionic Native Transitions" is not part of this repo, so I kindly ask: are you able to reproduce this problem when using the raw plugin code instead of that wrapper? And if so, please share your code with me.

nomoreboredom commented 8 years ago

The following in my case: Flickering on android and ios (Ok on Intel chipset android, if that matters) $rootScope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function(event, viewData) {
var options = {
"duration": 500,
"androiddelay": 100, }; window.plugins.nativepagetransitions.slide( options, function () {}, function () {} ); });
Crosswalk plugin used as well, if differs.

EddyVerbruggen commented 8 years ago

@nomoreboredom Does it differ without Xwalk?

The plugin works best if you pass in the href param, did you try that as well?

andrecbr commented 7 years ago

@EddyVerbruggen can you give a example? thank you.