Telerik-Verified-Plugins / WKWebView

DEPRECATED - this plugin served a purpose in the past, but there are better implementation now
833 stars 149 forks source link

Build fails with Error code 65 on cordova-ios 4.0.1 #209

Open klyonrad opened 8 years ago

klyonrad commented 8 years ago

not posting the full error output but this seems to be the important part

/Users/user/some_path/CordovaApp/platforms/ios/CordovaApp/Plugins/com.telerik.plugins.wkwebview/MyMainViewController.m:4:9: fatal error: 
'Cordova/CDVLocalStorage.h' file not found
#import <Cordova/CDVLocalStorage.h>
1 error generated.

Downgrading to cordova-ios 3.9.2 seems to have helped the issue