TelloViz / Card-Collection

Project for CPSC 362 Software Engineering
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Progress Report 2 #24

Open TelloViz opened 1 week ago

TelloViz commented 1 week ago
TelloViz commented 5 days ago

Team 8: Card Collection


Date: September 13, 2024

Tasks Finished

Developer Task(s)
Christian - Final review of powerpoint and added link to Canvas.
- Presented introduction and description of the project to the class.
- Met with Josh to iron out the details of the problem we are solving, including the Minimum Viable Product.
- Reviewed the Software, Languages and Frameworks that will be used for the project.
Josh - Researched details regarding framework and API.
- Prototyped rudimentary application.
- Further fleshed out powerpoint, GitHub repo, and discussion/project boards.
- Met with Christian to iron out the details of the problem we are solving, including the Minimum Viable Product.

Tasks In-Progress

Developer Task(s)
Christian - Obtaining QT and API Licenses.
- Installing QT Creator, QT Designer, and PokemonTCG API.
- Installing Python3 and trying out API in python3 interpreter.
Josh - Researching API details such as query limits and other limitations.
- Writing this post, and setting up some tutorials for Christian to get the framework, API, python, and IDE setup.
- Designing UI and prototyping backend.
