TelluIoT / ThingML

The ThingML modelling language
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compiler/registry jar (with depandancies) does not contains network plugins anymore #174

Closed nharrand closed 7 years ago

nharrand commented 7 years ago
> java -jar compilers/registry/target/compilers.registry-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --list-plugins
Network Plugin list: 

Serialization Plugin list: 

External Thing Plugin list:

(Meanwhile compiler/official-network-plugins contains everything.)

> java -jar compilers/official-network-plugins/target/official-network-plugins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --list-plugins 
Network Plugin list: 
    └╼ PosixWebSocketPlugin (posix, posixmt) handles:
        └╼ WebSocket
        └╼ Websocket
        └╼ websocket
        └╼ WS
    └╼ JsWSPlugin (nodejs) handles:
        └╼ WS
        └╼ websocket
        └╼ Websocket

Serialization Plugin list: 
    └╼ CByteArraySerializerPlugin (posix, posixmt, arduino, sintefboard)
    └╼ JSJSONSerializerPlugin (nodejs)

External Thing Plugin list: 
    └╼ PosixDNSSDExternalThingPlugin (posix) handles:
        └╼ DNSSD
brice-morin commented 7 years ago

Yes? So? Use the one with everything :-) Note that the JARs with and without plugins are available here: