TelluIoT / ThingML

The ThingML modelling language
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Could I display the transitions names in the PlantUML state-machine chart ? #180

Closed fungiboletus closed 7 years ago

fungiboletus commented 7 years ago

What I have


What I want


My ThingML code

       statechart ChatBot init start_conversation {

             state start_conversation {
                    transition -> start_new_topic

             state start_new_topic{
                    transition should_start_small_talk -> small_talk
                    transition should_ask_for_category -> ask_for_category
                    transition user_wants_to_leave_conversation -> goodbye

             state small_talk{
                    transition should_continue_small_talk -> small_talk
                    transition should_ask_for_category -> ask_for_category
                    transition should_continue_ingoing_conversation -> talk_about_topic

             state ask_for_category{
                    transition vague_category -> start_new_topic
                    transition has_identified_category_correctly -> talk_about_topic

             state talk_about_topic{
                    transition should_continue_conversation -> talk_about_topic
                    transition shouldnot_continue_conversation -> start_new_topic
                    transition user_wants_small_talk -> small_talk
                    transition user_wants_to_leave_conversation -> goodbye

             state goodbye{}     

The rabbit


brice-morin commented 7 years ago

Yes, should be quite easy...

brice-morin commented 7 years ago

which version of ThingML are you using? The one based on EMFText, or the one based on XText (ThingML v2)?

fungiboletus commented 7 years ago

EMFText because I followed the documentation, but I will compile the XText version very soon. So assume it's XText.

brice-morin commented 7 years ago

OK, should be fixed in XText branch

fungiboletus commented 7 years ago

Some wild \n appeared.

skinparam defaultTextAlignment left
caption Behavior of thing ChatBotSM
[*] --> ChatBot
state ChatBot{
state start_conversation{

start_conversation --> start_new_topic
state start_new_topic{

start_new_topic --> small_talkshould_start_small_talk\n

start_new_topic --> ask_for_categoryshould_ask_for_category\n

start_new_topic --> goodbyeuser_wants_to_leave_conversation\n
state small_talk{

small_talk --> small_talkshould_continue_small_talk\n

small_talk --> ask_for_categoryshould_ask_for_category\n

small_talk --> talk_about_topicshould_continue_ingoing_conversation\n
state ask_for_category{

ask_for_category --> start_new_topicvague_category\n

ask_for_category --> talk_about_topichas_identified_category_correctly
state talk_about_topic{

talk_about_topic --> talk_about_topicshould_continue_conversation\n

talk_about_topic --> start_new_topicshouldnot_continue_conversation\n

talk_about_topic --> small_talkuser_wants_small_talk\n

talk_about_topic --> goodbyeuser_wants_to_leave_conversation\n
state goodbye{
[*] --> start_conversation

But when I removed them, I got something strange. I guess something is messing between the next state and the transition's name.


brice-morin commented 7 years ago

Hmmmm, those \n, \\n, etc is quite a pain in plantUML :-) But I will try to fix that

brice-morin commented 7 years ago

this time, it should work :-)