TelluIoT / ThingML

The ThingML modelling language
Apache License 2.0
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Formatting withe the ThingML Standalone pretty-printer #272

Open ffleurey opened 5 years ago

ffleurey commented 5 years ago

org.thingml.xtext.helpers.ThingMLSerializer contains a pretty printer.

It works but the formatting is not pretty. It is using the default OneWhitespaceFormatter. I do not understand why it does not use our ThingMLFormatter.

Ctrl+Shift+F in eclipse and the saving of EMF Resources which works properly but I cannot find how to setup the ThingMLSerializer to use the ThingMLFormatter in the same way.

I give up for now!

ffleurey commented 5 years ago

It could be that we should see if upgrading to the latest version of XText helps. I suspect some conflicts because the way XText handles formatting has changed at some point. We may still have some legacy code... not sure

TheDemonHuB commented 1 year ago

is there any update?