Telos-Foundation / Sqrl

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Feature Request, Governance Tab titled EDF (Economic Development Fund) with WPS specially for Economic Development Proposals like funding a DEX and its liquidity, funding market making bots etc #172

Open ackza opened 4 years ago

ackza commented 4 years ago


I would like to request a new feature, a new governance tab in SQRL like my mockup here, showing EDF WPS, a Worker Proposal System, for Economic Development Fund. 500k Telos a month is already allocated for economic development in TEDP so, this should be competed for in its own WPS, with very strict voting just like regular WPS had. My Subsidies for telos tokens will be the first EDF WPS I would post. Infrastructure projects should be paid for with EDF funds not WPS funds and this will help separate a lot of the proposals.

Thank you and I understand how difficult and how much work it will be for Marlon from telos / EOS miami to actually create a new WPS system inside telos, but, it may be necessary since we do have 500k Telos a month allocated for this.