Temasys / AdapterJS

AdapterJS Javascript Polyfill and Tools for WebRTC - Skylink WebRTC
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Keeping up with WebRTC spec in plugin? #121

Closed z0r1k closed 8 years ago

z0r1k commented 9 years ago

Hi all,

in Chrome 46 Google implemented some changes to SDP codec line as well as navigator.mediaDevices() which includes promise based getUserMedia, enumerateDevices for both input and output.

Also stream.label will be deprecated and to stop stream and get rid of camera indicator you need to call stop on MediaStreamTrack and not on stream itself.

Is there any plan for temasys to keep up with these changes and what is the state of w3c webrtc spec compliance?

z0r1k commented 9 years ago

Related to https://github.com/Temasys/AdapterJS/issues/95

z0r1k commented 8 years ago

And one more https://github.com/Temasys/AdapterJS/issues/127

johache commented 8 years ago

MST::stop released in 0.8.862. stream.id released as well, although I'm not sure when. AJS adds support for navigator.mediaDevices since 0.13.0.

Closing this issue.