Temasys / AdapterJS

AdapterJS Javascript Polyfill and Tools for WebRTC - Skylink WebRTC
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AJS-278: Handle deprecation for "moz" interfaces correctly. #223

Closed oooookk7 closed 7 years ago

oooookk7 commented 7 years ago

This fixes the issue:

WebRTC interfaces with the "moz" prefix (mozRTCPeerConnection, mozRTCSessionDescription, mozRTCIceCandidate) have been deprecated.

Since in webrtc/adapter line it checks if the undeprecated RTCPeerConnection API exists before shimming it, but in this line, we define the interfaces as null again, hence making webrtc/adapter code to polyfill it although it has been deprecated.

johache commented 7 years ago

Looks good at first glance, I'll run some quick tests later today.

johache commented 7 years ago