Temasys / AdapterJS

AdapterJS Javascript Polyfill and Tools for WebRTC - Skylink WebRTC
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NPM error after release #225

Open arsenalol69 opened 7 years ago

arsenalol69 commented 7 years ago

Hello, after your new release, an exception occurs when I do "npm install adapterjs --save". It seem to be caused by "postinstall": "npm --prefix third_party/adapter install third_party/adapter" inside package.json :

npm ERR! code EPERM npm ERR! errno -4048 npm ERR! syscall rename npm ERR! Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename 'E:\MesProjets\JDL\meteor-exemple\exemple\node_modules\adapterjs\third_party\adapter\node_modules.staging\is-property-8d23152c\package.json.3623421401' -> 'E:\MesProjets\JDL\meteor-exemple\exemple\node_modules\adapterjs\third_party\adapter\node_modules.staging\is-property-8d23152c\package.json' npm ERR! at Error (native) npm ERR! { [Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename 'E:\MesProjets\JDL\meteor-exemple\exemple\node_modules\adapterjs\third_party\adapter\node_modules.staging\is-property-8d23152c\package.json.3623421401' -> 'E:\MesProjets\JDL\meteor-exemple\exemple\node_modules\adapterjs\third_party\adapter\node_modules.staging\is-property-8d23152c\package.json'] npm ERR! errno: -4048, npm ERR! code: 'EPERM', npm ERR! syscall: 'rename', npm ERR! path: 'E:\MesProjets\JDL\meteor-exemple\exemple\node_modules\adapterjs\third_party\adapter\node_modules.staging\is-property-8d23152c\package.json.3623421401', npm ERR! dest: 'E:\MesProjets\JDL\meteor-exemple\exemple\node_modules\adapterjs\third_party\adapter\node_modules.staging\is-property-8d23152c\package.json', npm ERR! parent: 'webrtc-adapter' } npm ERR! npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! E:\MesProjets\JDL\meteor-exemple\exemple\node_modules\adapterjs\npm-debug.log npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.14393 npm ERR! argv "C:\Users\Hassane\AppData\Local.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.4.1_1\mt-os.windows.x86_32\dev_bundle\bin\node.exe" "C:\Users\Hassane\AppData\Local.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.4.1_1\mt-os.windows.x86_32\dev_bundle\lib\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "install" "--save" "adapterjs"

johache commented 7 years ago

Hi, It runs fine for me. Are you sure you did not run your npm install as root first, and now don;t have the rights to override an existing version ? I suggest you clean clone your repo, and run a new npm install.

arsenalol69 commented 7 years ago

Hi @johache ! My project is an empty meteor project, I just add this package. When I run "meteor npm install adapterjs@0.13.4 --save" it works perfectly ! But with release 14, a lot of compilation code are ran and finally I get the exception...