Tempest0580 / tempest

Kodi Addon
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swatchseries #24

Closed bjgood closed 4 years ago

bjgood commented 4 years ago

Hey Tempest, Is swatchseries working for you? I don't seem to be getting any results from it at all.

Thanks for all your hard work, and this update.

Have a good one. :).

Tempest0580 commented 4 years ago

I'll check it this afternoon.

bjgood commented 4 years ago

I've observed that the new cfscrape for 5.0.12 is quite slow compared to 5.0.11. I assume that's what is slowing a scan for links down.

Tempest0580 commented 4 years ago

I think it's in the new cfscrape. If so I'll push a temporary fix for it tonight.

Tempest0580 commented 4 years ago

Looks like they chanced some stuff on the site. Soon as I get a chance I'll look more into this.

shellc0de27 commented 4 years ago

@Tempest0580 Any progress on this? If you are stuck, what part?

Tempest0580 commented 4 years ago

Time really. Between work and life. Plus I'm re coding for the 1 click movies and adding shows to tempest and temptv I just haven't had alot of time to get back to it. I looked after it broke and I know the site changed just haven't got a chance to see if I can update the scraper yet.

shellc0de27 commented 4 years ago

I hear you, been the same here too especially with the holidays and what not. Well try these few things to get the scraper running again....

shellc0de27 commented 4 years ago

Here is a time saver. Had to zip it i guess swatchseries.zip

Tempest0580 commented 4 years ago

Thanks that will help. I'll get it pushed soon as I get a chance.

shellc0de27 commented 4 years ago

Yeah no problem man :)

bjgood commented 4 years ago

Wish I checked here 2 days ago instead of now.

Thanks, shellc0de27, for the swatchseries fix. It works. Wish you had a public repo so one could visit you. :).

Tempest0580 commented 4 years ago

Pushed a update to fix this. Thanks again shellc0de27

jewbmx commented 4 years ago

You have been sitting on a fixed version of this scraper ever since i emailed you that one module Tempest lol

Tempest0580 commented 4 years ago

Doesnt surprise me lol. Just had alot going on.

shellc0de27 commented 4 years ago

@jewbmx lmao nice. Did you basically take the same approach?

jewbmx commented 4 years ago

Havent looked to be honest but the regex i used for that site is ("'Delete link (.+?)'") Theres a few more like it i had to update to use a variation of the same sorta grab lol