Templarian / MaterialDesign-JS

Dist for Material Design Icons JS/TypeScript
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@mdi/js out of sync with materialdesngicons.com #9

Closed therufa closed 4 years ago

therufa commented 4 years ago

Hi, one of my peers recently noticed that materialdesignicons.com does have some icons, which are not contained inside the icon lib I maintain. After a quick look, I realized that @mdi/js was published almost a month ago. Could you make an update?

Templarian commented 4 years ago

@therufa The team has refocused this release into the new website after doing two large releases in a row last month.

For now define a const mdiIconName = 'path data from site';

A release bump for 3.4.xx will not be for a bit due to priority shift. Closing this issue as all packages get bumped at the same time.

SimonFricker commented 4 years ago

+1 to add this to the roadmap.

Templarian commented 4 years ago

@SimonFricker Right now we only have 27 icons in the next release bucket out of 5k. This unfortunately is enough for us to do a release, but we have a lot of pending icons, so we can cut a release at 50. 👍