Templarian / MaterialDesign-Web-Component

MDI Icon web component for use with @mdi/js
MIT License
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Publish to webcomponents.org #4

Open Crissov opened 5 years ago

Crissov commented 5 years ago

There are \@material/mwc-icon and either kriss-kross-io/mdi-iconset-svg or \@lrnwebcomponents/mdi-iconset-svg already, but you would probably want to publish this component as \@mdi/mdi-icon or templarian/mdi-icon (and …/mdi-stack?) at some point.

Compare \@polymer/iron-icon, …/iron-icons and …/iron-iconset-svg, source repositories: PolymerElements/iron-icon, …/iron-icons, …/iron-iconset-svg.

Templarian commented 5 years ago

I'll most likely publish these two under the same module. @mdi/web-component. Need to get a few features implemented and tested before publishing.

Might be a while. Will use this issue to track things.