Templarian / MaterialDesign

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Write a script to generate `@mdi/react-native` from `@mdi/react` #4837

Open Templarian opened 4 years ago

Templarian commented 4 years ago

It looks like with a few small tweaks a react native package should be possible.

I'm sure there would be a good number of users that could benefit from this. If anyone sees this and is interested in helping with this effort let me know!

Templarian commented 4 years ago

If it's as simple as adding a new import and uppercasing a few SVG tags this might be easier than I think?

I wonder if we could just insert the import line and then regex replace the tags with capital tags for g, path, svg.

dohomi commented 1 year ago

Did anybody find a solution to use @mdi in react-native? I'd love to use the icons but would like to avoid the font version which is available.

schlosser commented 1 year ago

Bumping this thread? Any solutions for using react native here? Right now we're copying SVG pathD strings into our codebase :(