Templarian / MaterialDesign

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Air Compressor upright #4975

Open terrybrewer opened 4 years ago

terrybrewer commented 4 years ago

I have:


Provide some context of how your icon could be used.


Include any example images so we know what the icon should look like.

nilsfast commented 4 years ago


juchong commented 3 years ago

Even if the compressor isn't upright, any compressor icon would be appreciated!


itzniru commented 3 years ago

I need it too so would be greatly appriciated. Yes a ordinary one would be great.

HermesHonshappo commented 1 year ago

I'll add my voice to this request. I'd like it too. I've been using the car-turbocharger icon so far, but it's a far fetch... There are exemples of icons in requests : https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign/issues/6371 https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign/issues/6079