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icon request for VIM #5380

Closed peterwu closed 3 years ago

peterwu commented 3 years ago

I have:


Many people use VIM



More can be found at https://www.vim.org/logos.php

mririgoyen commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion, however we cannot add this icon to the library at this time. This is considered a brand icon, so we must adhere to the brand's official guidelines. Unfortunately, Vim does not provide a single-color version of their logo. If they release an official, single-color version of their logo in the future, we may be able to reconsider this request.

PeterShaggyNoble commented 3 years ago

We recommend Simple Icons for brand icons, where this is already available:


peterwu commented 3 years ago

Well, I was aware that such icons were available from other icons fonts but I was hoping that Material Design Icons font could include the VIM icon for uses such as the workspace icon in a tiling window manager. As part of the ricing exercise, people tend to use pretty and meaningful icons to represent the workspaces they're in. VIM is one of the most popular free open source programs and providing a VIM icon in this font will help many people better identify they're working in a VIM session/workspace.

mririgoyen commented 3 years ago

We're no longer accepting new brand icons into MDI.

We recommend checking out SimpleIcons. SimpleIcons is a library specific to brand and product icons like the one suggested above. If they do not currently have your requested icon, you can request it on their GitHub page.

Thank you for your suggestion.