Templarian / MaterialDesign

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View-Grid-Small #6720

Closed DrCQ closed 2 years ago

DrCQ commented 2 years ago

Before submitting a new icon request, please confirm the following:

What would you use this icon for?

I need to implement a "resize" control, consisting of two buttons (up, down) and a slider in the middle. For up-button I use the View-Grid PackIcon, but for the down-button I need a PackIcon with 9 elements instead of 4. I created a GeometryDrawing representing it: <GeometryDrawing Brush="{DynamicResource MaterialDesignBody}" Geometry="M3,3 H8 V8 H3 M9.5,3 H14.5 V8 H9.5 M16,3 H21 V8 H16 M3,9.5 H8 V14.5 H3 M9.5,9.5 H14.5 V14.5 H9.5 M16,9.5 H21 V14.5 H16 M3,16 H8 V21 H3 M9.5,16 H14.5 V21 H9.5 M16,16 H21 V21 H16" /> I will appreciate if this icon could be added to the next release.

Give us an example of what this icon might look like.


Templarian commented 2 years ago

This is the apps icon by the way. 🤔

@goyney What do you think about this one. Should it have a more general name?

Templarian commented 2 years ago

Switching this to a "Question" since the icon exists, but might need additional work.

DrCQ commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I didn't find it directly. A new alias with "grid" in the name would help. Thanks for fast response.

DrCQ commented 2 years ago

I close it.