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Smart socket (simple EU) #7342

Open RudiKlein opened 6 months ago

RudiKlein commented 6 months ago

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In the process of documenting a house' electrical-, IP and domotica network, there were some icons missing, one of them being a smart socket icon. Rather than making one just for my own use, I gathered contributing to this project might be a better idea.

Note: being a newby in the icon realm, I still have to learn the tricks of the trade, like complying to Google's M3 and finding the right tools and workflow to produce correct output. Currently I'm using Figma for the design and Illustrator for the post-processing of the SVG. The SVG's from Figma look jagged at smaller sizes (even when pixel perfect) , enlarged PNG's are fine, even when scaled down to 24px in Visio. Any tips, hints or guidance will be appreciated.

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Smart socket icon.svg.zip