Templarian / MaterialDesign

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Rooms #7418

Closed PilaScat closed 2 months ago

PilaScat commented 2 months ago

Before submitting a new icon request, please confirm the following:

What would you use this icon for?

For floors and rooms on Home Assistant. I need:

Give us an example of what this icon might look like.

Some may correspond to the icons of the individual objects in the room, for the others I have no particular preferences

mririgoyen commented 2 months ago

This is a duplicate of #4293. There are also several independent requests for individual rooms in the past.

The short answer is, there is no sure-fire way to represent each room in a very consistent way. However, we do have icons that will meet each room's purpose contextual. Examples of this could include a fridge for the Kitchen, or flower for Garden. If there is one specific instance where you cannot find an icon to contextually represent a room, please open an individual issue for that. Thanks!