Templarian / WindowsIcons

Windows Phone and Windows RT CC Icons
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Created a bunch of icons #207

Closed stefan-schweiger closed 9 years ago

stefan-schweiger commented 9 years ago

I've created a bunch of icons based on your icon pack, if you want them let me know which of those you like and whats the best way of sending the design files to you.

appbar.calendar.tear appbar calendar tear appbar.calendar.event appbar calendar event appbar.home.empty.filled appbar home empty filled appbar.home.filled appbar home filled appbar.home.variant.filled appbar home variant filled appbar.people.business appbar people business appbar.speechbubble appbar speechbubble appbar.speechbubble.add appbar speechbubble add appbar.timesheet appbar timesheet appbar.timesheet.tear appbar timesheet tear appbar.company appbar company

Templarian commented 9 years ago

Can you export these to SVG? If so please share your email (I'll delete it out of the comment once I have you added).

I'll just give you a contributor account to the new system that is in alpha.

stefan-schweiger commented 9 years ago

yes I can do that, no problem.

my email adress is: -removed-

Templarian commented 9 years ago

Warning: Please select the Modern UI Icons package before clicking the add icon button at the top (it will throw an error about wrong sized icon if you do not). Also, be sure to follow the new naming. No appbar and hyphens instead of periods.

This system is still being converted to handle multiple 76x76 (it was built for 24x24). So ignore any cosmetic issues for now.

Reply here if you have any questions, but I'm going to close this issue for now.

stefan-schweiger commented 9 years ago

Thank you!

A bug I've discovered is that I can't add icons with a dot in the name (but I can change the name afterwards to contain a dot). Also should I name the icons "appbar.company" or only "company"?

EDIT: Also svg files with multiple path do not work (most of the time I choose to not combine all of the paths because it's easier to edit them later). But not a real dealbreaker because I can just combine them anyways.

Templarian commented 9 years ago

Yea, I edited my comment above trying to clarify the naming. They need to be hyphenated. The names will be transformed during the export step.

I can't make it handle multiple path imports. Please use layers in the source files. The font generation that will be ran needs to have pristine path data to work. Any small defect and it explodes.

stefan-schweiger commented 9 years ago

The icons are now added ;)

Templarian commented 9 years ago

Now I tell you the annoying news, I'm only 20/1200 icons into importing Modern UI Icons into this new system. If I get a few minutes I'll manually place your icons into the legacy site.

I plan to have the new site online in 3 months before Microsoft Build 2015. It will look similar to MaterialDesignIcons.com at launch.