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[T-RO 2023] DRL-VO: Learning to Navigate Through Crowded Dynamic Scenes Using Velocity Obstacles
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About the Lidar Data preprocessing #27

Open lehoangan2906 opened 1 week ago

lehoangan2906 commented 1 week ago

Hi, I want to thank you and your team for your hard work in this amazing project. I'm currently reviewing your paper and code. I'm not quite understand how to get 1x80x80 dimensional lidar map from 20x720 Min & Avg pooled data from the paper. When I read your code to understand more, I'm struggling to find these preprocessing functions. Can you explain this further to me, and if convenient, can you guide me through your code structure (about how things are organized)? Again, I am very appreciate your time and effort you put into this project!

zzuxzt commented 5 days ago

Thank you for your interest in our work. Sorry, I have been busy with some personal issues these days.

The data preprocessing code is in the cnn_data_pub.py. The network structure code is in the custom_cnn_full.py. The training code is in the drl_vo_train.py. The navigation code is in the drl_vo_inference.py.

Hopefully these simple descriptions can give you better guidance. I will restructure the code later when I am less busy.

lehoangan2906 commented 5 days ago

Hi zzuxzt, thank you for your prompt reply. Do you mind if I ask you another question?

When I set up the turtlebot2 as your README.md, I encountered the following issue:

"The following packages have unmet dependencies: ros-noetic-joystick-drivers : Depends: ros-noetic-ps3joy but it is not installable Depends: ros-noetic-wiimote but it is not installable E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."

I have been searching for the solutions for several days but still don't know how to resolve it. Do you have any advice?

I'm very appreciate your guidance with the code structure and I will analyze them further soon. Wish you do well with your work and I'm looking forward for your reply 😁

zzuxzt commented 5 days ago

You can try to remove the ros-noetic-joystick-drivers package since the DRL-VO did not use it. I guess the reason is that the packages ps3joy and wiimote cannot support Noetic as mentioned in here.

lehoangan2906 commented 5 days ago

I'm very appreciate your help. Can I contact to ask you more if I encounter more problem?

zzuxzt commented 4 days ago

Feel free to post your questions. I will answer your questions when I am free.