TempleRAIL / nav-competition-icra2022-drl-vo

DRL-VO navigation policy for BARN Challenge
MIT License
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Physical robot #1

Closed Alchemistqqqq closed 10 months ago

Alchemistqqqq commented 10 months ago

Hello, I am very honored to read your paper and get your help in the simulation experiment a while ago. In your introduction, I saw that you used the turtlebot2 robot, but you used the Jackal robot in the competition. I would like to know if I can migrate this code to the turtlebot3 waffle pi for experiments in real environment. Because I am a beginner, if I can transfer to Waffle school for experiment, there may be some problems in the future, I hope you can give me some advice, thank you very much.

zzuxzt commented 10 months ago

Hi, thanks for your interest in our work. In principle, it should be able to be deployed on a Turtlebot 3 robot. The main concern is that I am not sure if the Raspberry Pi could run the DRL-VO policy in real time. But it's worth a good try. To do that, there are several key steps: 1) Follow our paper (i.e. Sec.V.B) to modify the lidar historical map input based on your lidar sensor configuration (i.e. how many lidar scan points). Code files need to be modified: barn_data_pub.py drl_vo_inference.py 2) Find the control command topic for Turtlebot 3 and modify the topic in drl_vo_inference.py 3) Try to install the singularity container software on the Raspberry Pi, then follow the ReadMe to depoly the DRL-VO policy; If it does not work, follow the ReadMe in drl_vo_nav package to manually install learning-based packages:

pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install gym==0.18.0 pandas==1.2.1
pip install stable-baselines3==1.1.0
pip install tensorboard psutil cloudpickle

After configuring the required environment you can depoly the DRL-VO policy to see how it works in the Turtlebot 3.

Alchemistqqqq commented 10 months ago

Thanks for your help, I will try the following real environment experiment according to your help.