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2021-12-29-x6100_ui_v100_opentx_10w does not work (for me) #1

Closed PD5DRE closed 2 years ago

PD5DRE commented 2 years ago

Hi all, first of all, thank you for your effort.

Today i tried to activate the new x6100_ui_v100.TXOpen10W_Bat firmware without any luck. I copy the firmware to the radio (WinSCP binary mode) and killed the x6100_ui_v100 process. Then i copied the new firmware to x6100_ui_v100 and run /etc/init.d/S99userappstart start The return message is OK but the x6100_ui_v100 process is not starting (ps aux) and the screen stays black (cursor)

When i copy the original file back in place and start the init script it is working again so i think something is wrong with the firmware file. 73, Vincent PD5DRE

PD5DRE commented 2 years ago

My mistake, i forgot to chmod 755 the file. Nothing to see here, carry on..