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Make point regeneration continuous #170

Open mikeclemson opened 11 years ago

mikeclemson commented 11 years ago

Newbies currently cannot play certain classes since they cannot regenerate mana, which is necessary to use their abilities. Players will tell clerics, knights, bards, mages, physicists, and psionicists to reroll as monk.

Starting with the assumption: "All new players should be able to start as any class."

Possible ideas:

  1. Give everyone mana_tap, regen, and energy_tap.
  2. Give everyone mana_tap, regen, and energy_tap at half strength.
  3. Allow every class to regenerate HP/mana/move fully if out of combat, after 10-15 seconds.
  4. Allow ticks to fully regenerate a player's HP/mana/move if they are out of combat and resting or sleeping.
  5. Provide a base regen, such as in #2 above, and also eliminate ticks, combining what a player would have received (including any bonuses for attributes/level/gen) with the continuous regen provided every 4 seconds
  6. Provide low-damage, low-mana abilities to every class. These would be capable for low levels, but would fall out of favor in exchange for high-damage, higher-mana abilities.

The goal is not to replace abilities like psidrain or econvert. (In fact abilities like this may need to be provided to other classes. as mortals to enable every class flexibility in secondary class choice, but that is outside the scope of this change.)

mikeclemson commented 11 years ago

A well-fed level 1 Drow Mage recovers 30 mana per tick. But it takes 3 magic missiles at 20 mana per missile to kill a mob in the newbie tower. The current system means that a mage should only be killing a mob every 2 minutes. Mobs regenerate faster than I can do damage using punch and combat attacks, so magic missile is required for kills.

I get 100 experience per kill, so we expect a new Mage to spend (2500 experience to level / 100 experience per kill) * (2 minutes per kill) = 50 minutes to get to level 2.