Temzasse / react-modal-sheet

Flexible bottom sheet component built with Framer Motion to provide buttery smooth UX while keeping accessibility in mind 🪐
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Bug: Bottom Gap appears randomly #121

Open adshrc opened 1 year ago

adshrc commented 1 year ago


it seems like an essential thing broke since iOS 16.4 (seems like Android is not affected): The Modal Sheet does not start at the bottom. I could not find a way to re-produce it exactly, but it happens often (and randomly). I thought it was a problem in my app, but I just saw that it happens in the Apple Music demo (https://temzasse.github.io/react-modal-sheet/) too.

Maybe you have to open the Modal a couple times, but it will happen definitely. Here is a Screen Recording:


It's a pretty small gap here, but it can be quite big.

This happens on Chrome and Safari. Tested multiple devices, happens everywhere.

viktorrenkema commented 1 year ago

Also noticing this, seems to be exactly 30px.

adshrc commented 1 year ago

I have found a way to reproduce it. You just need to scroll a couple pixels down from the very top of the page (and open a modal then). Seems like that it just happens when scrolling 1 to 30px. After 30px it works fine. @Temzasse why does it add a negative margin-top to the body when opening the modal? May be related to this bug...

Temzasse commented 1 year ago

Hi 👋🏻 Thanks for reporting this!

There is probably a bug in the sheet height calculation related to the dynamic browser viewport height. I'll try to find time and see if we can use the new dvh, lvh, svh units to fix this issue 🕵🏻

Tomashiwa commented 8 months ago

Hi @Temzasse, may I know if there is an update on this particular bug? Similar to adshrc, I can't replicate this reliably but it does happens now and then.

Temzasse commented 8 months ago

No updates unfortunately. A proper reproduction would help a lot to debug this issue. Without a repro it's just a guessing game 😅